CYBERNETIC is an immersive projection installation of AI generated art. The project is a seamless video loop morphing 154 images generated by using word prompts. 

CYBERNETIC attempts to investigate human-computer interaction. Further exploring a language of communication between machines and us; and challenging the concept of rational linguistics. 

A reminder that these AI generations would never have been generated if I did not exist. I exist first to give the machine a word prompt then the “AI machine” supports me. 

A conversation between a machine and a human is just as valuable and complex as a conversation between two humans. To have a fluid conversation with any human, a stranger or a friend, one must allow active listening, then time for thinking followed by speaking. Similarly, a conversation with a computer works the same way; input, processing and output. 

This project hopes to give space for individuals to analyze how they might “conversate” with a phone, laptop or a machine. Contrasted and compared by how humans nowadays interact with one another. CYBERNETIC suggests that we have already morphed into cyborg beings. Algorithmic intelligence exists within the palm of our hands to the point that we cannot differentiate between algorithmically built visuals and real visuals.

The installation was exhibited at Gallery 310 at The Image Arts Building in TMU University from October 26 to November 4, 2022.

special thanks to Djenabe for photographing portraits of me in the exhibition.

documentation of full installation

TIMELAPSE of fisheye extract from samsung 360 camera

TIMELAPSE of installation set up


CYBERNETIC 2.0 at Assembly Gallery


Pronouns; Huruf at the Image Factory