Transduction is the transfer of genetic material from one organism to another. Essentially, the project is a reflection on the subconscious adaptation our cognitive brain has to experience due to our heavy dependence on technology, specifically, cellular devices. In this new media sculpture, the sun acts as the witness to our transformation (since it existed before us and will exist after us), hence why it has eyes modeled onto it.
The transformation starts with our hands, each hand represents a reality in existence. One reality where humans are yearning to stay connected to nature where the other reality is already in motion and caused the transduction from human hand to cyborg hand. The choice to have the right hand robotic explores themes of digital materiality, proposing that smartphone usage may be contributing to a state of existence in which human communication is suffering. In contrast, the choice to keep the right hand as a human hand attempts to draw connections between digital and physical methodologies of existence, specifically the hybrid identity that can be referred to as "modern human".
This project was supported by the remaining budget from Sacred Geometry; a design and technology lab grant project as it was originally part of that installation.

Transduction installed as part of sacred geometry project